samardentalsolutions | North Miami
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Senior Woman

Want to look younger?

"Rediscover your youth:

Renew, Refresh, Rejuvenate!"

Popular dermal fillers are used to treat signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of facial volume. A minimally invasive cosmetic procedure can help you achieve a more youthful appearance by restoring lost volume and smoothing out wrinkles. 


Free Consultation: Schedule a consultation with one of our qualified and experienced, licensed and board-certified cosmetic specialists. During this consultation, you can discuss your goals, concerns and expectations for the treatment.  At Samar, we develop a personalized treatment plan based on your unique facial anatomy and aesthetic goals. The Doctor will determine which areas of your face would benefit most from treatment to achieve a natural-looking, youthful result.


Different formulations are available to address specific concerns, such as fine lines, deep wrinkles, and volume loss in areas like the cheeks and lips. Our provider will recommend the best type of treatment for your needs.


The procedure: Injections are usually quick and relatively painless, and a fine needle is used to inject the filler into the targeted areas of your face. Some formulations contain lidocaine, a local anesthetic, to minimize discomfort during the procedure.


Recovery: There is minimal downtime associated with our treatments, and most people can resume their normal activities immediately afterward. You may experience some temporary swelling, redness, or smalll bruising, but these side effects typically resolve within a few days.


Results: You should see the results of your treatment immediately, with continued improvement over the following days as any swelling subsides.. Results typically last from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the specific formulation used and how your body metabolizes the fillers.


To maintain your results, you may need regular touch-up treatments. our provider can recommend a personalized maintenance schedule based on your individual response to treatment and aesthetic goals.


It's important to choose a reputable provider with extensive experience and training in administering  facial treatments, that is why at Samar we provide trained and specialized Doctors, who are licensed to minimize the risk of complications and achieve the best possible results. In addition, be sure to follow all pre- and post-treatment instructions  to optimize your results and ensure a smooth healing process. and excellent results that will keep you  fresh and -Rediscover your youth

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